Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Well, somehow another week has passed. Daddy asked when transfers are- I will find out who my new companion is a week from tomorrow. So crazy, because I feel like I just got here and it has already been 3 transfers. Especially strange since next transfer will only be 5 weeks long. That is so exciting to hear that Moana's...niece(?) got called to NOM! Is she coming to the TC? I know that we will be getting several sisters that are called full-proselyting, so I wonder if she will be one of those! I talked to Ciara Parker who is one of the BYU volleyball players and she said that her friend will be coming here too! So many sisters coming...I can't wait to meet them all!
Someone should probably write this down, because this is the first year in my LIFE that someone else has told me who was playing in the superbowl because A: I had absolutely NO idea and Secondly: I didn't really care enough to ask. (Marisa, that a: and secondly: was for you) Um. Can we note the signifigance of this moment?!?! I'm a changed woman. Changed, I say! Don't worry, we were at dinner at a member's house and they told me.
This week was WONDERFUL! I got to go on exchanges with Sister Brown, and that was a dream come true. She is from St. John's and her family lived in the Colonies too! Crazy, right? We have wanted to serve together since the day we met, but that will probably never happen because she will be training for the rest of her 8 months here. Sad. So, we enjoyed our time together!
We saw Matt and Elyssa THREE times last week. I wish I could even begin to scratch the surface of all the things that I want to tell you about our appointments with them, but it wouldn't be possible! They are so prepared, and I am so grateful for them because they are such evidence of how much Heavenly Father's hand is in our lives! On Monday, they met us at the Trail Center. We had a great tour with them and taught them the Restoration as we walked around the gallery- the best way to teach about the pioneers is through the message of the Restoration! Towards the end of the tour, Sister Coats told them that Satan would work hard against them as they are trying to move towards baptism. They both really understood that because they have had challenges come into their path as they have tried to progress. We went into one of the theatres to watch the Restoration DVD and right as the First Vision was about to be shown, the TV turned off. TURNED. OFF. We were panicking, trying to figure out what to do, and finally we got it turned back on, but they didn't see any of the first vision. Elyssa told us on Wednesday that right before that, she had been praying to know if this is the right path for her, and that was evidence that it was because it showed that Satan was trying to work hard so she didn't see that! Wednesday we had a lesson at the church, and Friday, Sister Brown and I went to their home with their friend Jen who is a Relief Society pres in Sister Whittaker's ward. Elyssa said that while she was at work, she was picturing in her mind a scenario of someone asking her what religion she is. When she pictured that, her immediate response was "I'm a Mormon." She said that when she felt that, she had this SWELLING feeling inside her. You can imagine how much I was freaking out inside as I calmly (yeah right, when am I EVER calm) asked her to open to Alma 32:28 and read it out loud. I was grinning. They are amazing. AMAZING. I love how the Spirit speaks to our investigators- SO clear as to not be misunderstood! They are both wanting to get baptized, but it will probably be a little bit longer than Feb 22nd when they get baptized because they have to get married! Not too much longer though!
I am so sad that Sister Coats will be leaving next week, but I am excited to meet her family when they come, and SO excited for you all to meet her. Her homecoming will be February 23rd at 9 am in Spanish Fork if anyone wants to go! She is an incredible missionary and I have been so blessed to be able to learn from her and grow with her. She has great things up ahead of her, and I am excited to see all of the wonderful things she does! I am excited to work hard our last week together and see miracles!
Papa and Grandma- Thank you SO much for the CD and for my letters as always. I don't know what I would do without you!
Love you to the moon and back! Hope you're having a good time like I am! :)
Sister Farnsworth

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